March SOED Campaign
Throughout the month of March let's purpose in our hearts to HEAR & DO THE WORD. Looking back at Daniel, when he “purposed in his heart” not to defile his body, he DID that which would keep his body pure or purified in God’s sight by adhering to “the law” and only eating the foods and drink that was approved.
Again, we are determined to develop the SPIRIT-OF-EXCELLENCE within us by developing “the qualities” that bring about it and we will continue to make up in our minds to be willing to DO what we read in the word as the Spirit leads. So for the next 30 days (1st-30th), we will read (“HEAR”) Matthew 5-7; one chapter every 10 days and “purpose in our hearts” to “DO” what Jesus taught and says we would be wise to "DO".
Now, during the 30 Days don’t go into this reading just to read the chapters but spend quality time in the scriptures. Allocate time for this every day throughout the 30 days. Read them, study them, meditate/think on/about them. Look at them as if you have never seen them before. Ask the Lord to give you a new revelation every time you sit down to read and to give you a complete understanding in these scriptures that you can "HEAR" them as the Spirit would have you to that you may KNOW them and purposefully "DO" them.
For Daniel, he was convinced that if he didn’t defile himself with the king's foods and wine he would “look better” than those who were willing to eat what was given. For us, again it's about appearances too. We believe that if we for the next 30 days would not only purpose in our heart not to defile ourselves with the things that defile us (Mark 7:14-23) but also do the things that purify us, we too would be seen and recognized as people who have the SPIRIT-OF-EXCELLENCE in us and become vessels that God will bless and use to do tremendous things in the world.
Three 10 DAYS segments to ready and study our HEAR & DO THE WORD three chapters.
+10 DAYS (1) | March 1st-10th | Matthew 5
+10 DAYS (2) | March 11th-20th | Matthew 6
+10 DAYS (3) | March 21st-30th | Matthew 7
*Read these chapters over the 30 days in a way that best fits you. If you need to break it down into small pieces, do so based on the subtitles (ie The Beatitudes, The Lord's Prayer, The Golden Rule); just spend the next 30 DAYS doing so.