The goal is to not do things that DEFILE a person according to the words of Jesus in Mark 7:14-23. That’s the goal (the objective, the desire, the intent, the plan, the purpose) of this 10 Days of A Purposeful Heart. The question is “how do we do this”?
We know that we cannot do this without the help of the Holy Spirit because we cannot do this on our own strength; it’s impossible. We even know or should know that in our flesh we really don’t even want to do this because it is in our sinful nature to do those things. But because we are not walking in the flesh but according to the Spirit here we are and here is our answer.
We need God to “Create In Us A Clean Heart”.
But how?

In John 15:3 Jesus says to His disciples, “You are already CLEAN because of the word I have spoken to you”, so God “creates” in us “a clean heart” through His word. His word, the Word of God CLEANSES us. Everything that Jesus said to His disciples was spoken to CLEANSE them. Now they had a part to play. Some who heard His word did their part (disciples) while others did not (followers); BELIEVE. We must ACCEPT His word as well. ACCEPT that His word is true; what Jesus, our Lord, and Savior said in Mark 7, 14-23 is the truth. That’s how His word CLEANSE us; our hearts. We have to fully COMPLY WITH what is written, ADHERE TO what is written, HEED and not disregard or ignore it and definitely not disbelieve it. Jesus tells us to ABIDE in His word and here is where we put ACCEPTING His word into every day, every situation PRACTICE. If we would simply ABIDE in these scriptures; ACCEPT them and ACT IN ACCORDANCE with them then our hearts will truly be CLEANSED from these things; evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, coveting, wickedness, deceit, sensuality, envy, slander, pride and foolishness and we can stop DEFILING ourselves through the power of the Holy Spirit. And we don’t ABIDE in these scriptures in our actions alone but in our hearts and minds. Multiple times in Mark 7 (vv. 8, 9, and 13) Jesus speaks about the commandments of God and the traditions of men. Here again, is where we find the answer to our question. If we would just HOLD ON TO and ESTABLISH His word above any other word in our lives, in the strength of the Holy Spirit, we too like Daniel a moments notice will be able to purpose in our hearts not to DEFILE ourselves with the things that truly DEFILE us and live the life that God desires us to live.
A life marked by the SPIRIT-OF-EXCELLENCE.