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Writer's pictureDamian T. McCalman


Since the beginning there has been a battle taking place; the battle between the light and the darkness. In Genesis 1 the Bible tells us that on earth darkness was the ruling force so God said "Let there be light" and there it was and it was good. Subsequently, the two entities had to be separated on the first day of creation. On the fourth day, God then saw that the two entities; the light and the darkness, needed something greater to rule over each of them; for the day a greater light (sun) and the night a lesser light (moon).

In John 1 we read that "The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it." So when I say that there is a battle taking place, we see that the darkness is trying to overcome the shine of the light. God knew that He couldn't just allow the darkness to rule over itself otherwise it would be complete darkness, so even in the dark, He established that a light to rule over it. Even though this light would be "lesser" than the light that ruled over the day, it was and is still powerful enough to rule over the night.

I never thought of this until now but it seems as if this "lesser light"; the moon is a representation of Jesus and the "greater light" would be God. Which also means that the stars would represent those who BELIEVE IN and follow after Jesus; us.

God establishes that light will always have authority over darkness. He reminded me of this truth many years ago by simply sending me into a dark room and then having me turn on a light, a few lights. First, the light that was on the ceiling, then a lamp, then a flashlight, and lastly a match. In this, He showed me that as long as there was no light present, darkness had authority. But as soon as any form of light made itself known, it overpowered the darkness causing it to leave, flee. From the ceiling light to a match, however far its shine reached darkness was no longer present and the light ruled that area. God had me paying attention to shadows give space for allowing some darkness to linger because what was causing the shadow blocked some of the was just an awesome revelation for me.

So in John 12:35&36 when Jesus says,...

“The light is among you for a little while longer. Walk while you have the light, lest darkness overtake you. The one who walks in the darkness does not know where he is going. While you have the light, believe in the light, that you may become sons of light.”

...we can understand that ultimately darkness was and is still on the quest to have its way in the world and on the earth, but thankfully, the darkness was and is still being held at day by the power and authority of the light. Jesus shared with them that the light which was Him would only be with them for a time ("a little while") so they needed to "walk"; live and behave in such a way that recognized Him or else darkness would suddenly and powerfully overwhelm them. They could only prevent this by BELIEVING in Him as the light. Now, BELIEVING in the light did two things, first, it allowed those who would BELIEVE to not be overtaken by darkness, and secondly, it allowed for light to REMAIN after Jesus' departure because they would become "sons of light" and serve as lights in the world and on earth. This again keeps the darkness held at bay.

This plan of God was from the beginning and is still in operation today through us who BELIEVE. We are the "sons of light" or as Jesus also says it in His sermon on the mount, " You are the light of the world". He said, "Let your light so SHINE that men man see your GOOD work and GLORIFY (EXALT) your Father in heaven." This command goes all the way back to the beginning. When the light SHINES in the darkness, the darkness that is present is held at bay. This battle which has been since the beginning is still going on. The light still has the power and authority that was given to it by God on day 4. The darkness is still seeking to overshadow the plan, work, and will of God in the world and on the earth. It's the kingdom of light vs the kingdom of darkness (Colossians 1:12&13) and thanks be to God who delivered us from the power of darkness. Sadly there are so many people who have yet to be rescued or saved. The darkness, which has been subdued by the light is still overtaking the people of this world because the "sons of light" aren't SHINING as we should and ought to be.

You see, the battle today isn't between Jesus and Satan. Jesus already defeated him and cast him out (John 12:31). This battle of light vs darkness is between the "sons of light" and the sons of darkness and as we know "we are not fighting against human beings but against the wicked spiritual forces in the heavenly world, the rulers, authorities, and cosmic powers of this dark age" (Ephesians 6:12). Our fight is against the wicked spiritual forces, the rulers, authorities, and cosmic powers that are operating in this dark age so how we SHINE has to be relevant to what this dark age is attempting to overwhelm and overpower this world with. The darkness that we are seeing is different from the darkness that those who walked the face of the earth when Jesus did saw but it is still the darkness. Likewise, the light that we are to be and represent is still Jesus yet our SHINE must be different because of the age in which we are living so relevancy is a must and the only way that our SHINE can be relevant is through the leading of the Spirit of God. It is the Spirit of God that draws people out of darkness and it is the light that they are drawn to.

Therefore SHINE. Let us the "sons and daughters of light" SHINE everywhere we are and everywhere we go. Jesus didn't give us His light so that we would hide it or dim it in this dark age so let's SHINE. And by doing so, we will win; win souls, the battle of light vs darkness in this age and the age to come. A battle that we are destined to win if we engage in it by walking in the light and letting our light so SHINE.

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