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Writer's pictureDamian T. McCalman


1 Tim. 4:8 For bodily exercise profits a little, but GODLINESS is profitable for all things, having promise of the life that now is and of that which is to come. -NKJ

Here the apostle Paul makes a comparison for Timothy that is awesome. He compares GODLINESS to bodily exercise. We all know what bodily exercise is basically on all levels. Some people get up every morning and hit the gym for whatever amount of time they deem necessary. Others make their way to their favorite walking trail or running spot to get their miles in while others do what they do in an effort 'to sustain or improve their health or fitness. Whatever it is that is being done, it is being done religiously; with consistent and conscientious regularity, if not it doesn't work.

So when Paul says that "bodily exercise profits a little", he is obviously speaking about its profits in the big scheme of things; from an eternal point of view. Bodily exercise only profits "the life that now is" which is why Paul considers that's "a little". But he says that "GODLINESS IS PROFITABLE FOR ALL THINGS". So what is GODLINESS?

*GODLINESS: the quality or practice of conforming to the laws and wishes of God; devoutness and moral uprightness

So according to the apostle, 'the quality or practice of conforming to the laws and wishes of God; devoutness and moral uprightness' is PROFITABLE FOR ALL THINGS. THIS IS GODLINESS. The act of 'conforming to the laws and wishes of God' or simply the word of God is something that we as believers and followers of Christ ought to be doing in the same way or as if we were seeking 'to sustain or improve our health or fitness of our bodies. Seeking it; godliness, with the same consistent and conscientious regularity; because if not, it will not work as with "bodily exercise". There is truly no profit in not committing to the practices of GODLINESS. And as believers, we must commit ourselves to GODLINESS if we want to experience the promise that accompanies it just like those who commit themselves to "bodily exercise". But even more, because our promise is greater and eternal.

In this months SOED Campaign: God Gives Good Gifts, through the reading and studying of Daniel 1:17-21 (8-21) we find Daniel "exercising GODLINESS" by purposing in his heart not to defile his body with the king's food, or with the wine that he, the king drank. We don't know what the foods and the drink were as scripture does not say so but he believed that it would defile him if he ate and drank what was offered to him. I would assume that it had everything to do with the diet bases on Mosaic law that he and the people of Israel were supposed to obey as covenant partners with God. So Daniel was truly putting into practice 'the laws and wishes of God' and because of his commitment and determination to keep himself 'morally upright' he experienced “the promise” of this life now and ultimately of that which is to come; profitability. Profitable meaning benefit, useful, advantageous, helpful, rewarding, fruitful. His exercising GODLINESS was indeed "profitable" for him as God gave him exactly what he needed during this time; first with the chief of the eunuchs (favor and compassion) and then learning, skill, wisdom, and understanding in all visions and dreams which resulted in him being found ten times better than the others in every matter that the king inquired of him. His devoutness paid off for him and it will pay off for us as well if we do the same. That is the promise.

1 Tim.6:11 But you, O man of God, flee these things and pursue righteousness, GODLINESS, faith, love, patience, gentleness. -NKJ

Here again, in this verse, Paul mentions GODLINESS to Timothy. This time the apostle is encouraging his son in the faith to "pursue GODLINESS" along with him pursuing righteousness, faith, love, patience, and gentleness. And as Timothy was encouraged to "pursue GODLINESS" so are we. We are to pursue ‘conforming to the laws and wishes of God; devoutness and moral uprightness’ with the hope of attaining it. This must be our goal as believers especially as we see this world turning more and more towards darkness and ungodliness. Hebrews 10:25 says this “Let us not neglect meeting together, as some have made a habit, but let us encourage one another, and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” Ultimately it’s the same thing. By reading this, you are coming together with us and being encouraged to pursue GODLINESS. And even if other believers around us aren't willing to pursue and exercise GODLINESS, we, those of us who are seeking the be marked by the SPIRIT-OF-EXCELLENCE have to be. GODLINESS and the SPIRIT-Of-EXCELLENCE go hand in hand and you can't separate the two.

GODLINESS is attainable. We the children and people of God just have to pursue it and exercise it.

Start today.

Start right where you are.

God is waiting on us.

Let us not miss the opportunity to experience profitability like never before.

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