September SOED Campaign
After reading the 4th Chapter of Daniel, here are 3 questions that we all should seek to find the answers to...
(1) What Is The REMEDY For Those Who "Walk In Pride"?
(2) Why Is It DANGEROUS To "Walk In Pride"?
(3) Can A Person "Walk In Pride" and Be SUBMITTED To God?
All 3 of the questions can be answered by reading and understanding Nebuchadnezzar's plight.
First, let's define often unjustified feeling of being pleased with oneself or with one's situation or achievements. The definition says that it is an "often UNJUSTIFIED feeling" which means it is not shown to be right or reasonable.
For question (1), understand that those who "walk in pride" are kept from having a real and meaningful connection with the Most High God, and because of that, a REMEDY is necessary. By definition a REMEDY is a means for counteracting something undesirable; in this case PRIDE. So since the Bible says that "God RESISTS the PROUD" than "walking in pride" should be something that is understood as being UNDESIRABLE for all of mankind; saved and unsaved alike.
As for question (2), if something is DANGEROUS then by definition it is likely to cause problems or have adverse consequences. In this case, we are saying that if a person is found to "walk in pride" then that walk is a DANGEROUS thing. Don't look at the definition and see "likely" and think that the problems or adverse consequences are not a sure thing; they are. They are to be EXPECTED. They are to be ANTICIPATED. They are FORESEEABLE. They, the problems or adverse consequences are "WITHIN THE BOUNDS OF POSSIBILITY". They are PREDICTABLE.
And for (3), to be SUBMITTED means to accept or yield to a superior force or to the authority or will of another person, in this case, the Most High God. We know or should know that God has a will and an authority. We know or should know that God is superior to mankind. So when we are truly SUBMITTED to Him, we accept and or yield to Him and or to His authority and or will. We also know that we as living human beings have thoughts and ideas, knowledge and understanding. We also have some level of control over ourselves and we can come up with plans and have a will. These are things that God Himself has given each one of us to live our daily lives. And with these things within ourselves, it creates a sort of war within ourselves; a battle to lean on self or trust in the Most High.
Daniel chapter 4 shows us how Nebuchadnezzar ultimately had to answer these 3 questions throughout his kingship. But let us not just see the king and his plight but also ourselves and our own lives. Let us see the example of someone who self admittedly had to face these questions head-on as he was one of those who "walk(ed) in pride" and was humbled beyond imagination.
#SpiritOfExcellence #EsOfExcellence #Discipleship #SOEDCampaign #DELIVERANCE #Daniel4 #GodWillDeliverUs #OurDeliveryIsKey #WalkingInPride #RemedyForPride #SubmitToGod #BibleReadingPlan #BibleStudyPlan